Monday, August 27, 2012


Today we have been blessed. Mason is doing very well. His vitals have been stable and his breathing is improving. He is completely off the nitric oxide and is doing well on the conventional vent. Last night he lost 6 oz. and he is looking so much better! They started back his feeds (just of pedialyte) and he had already pooped on his own this afternoon. I know it seems silly to be excited about a bowel movement! He has an MRI tomorrow afternoon to check to see if he can come off the antibiotics so please pray that we get good news. His CSF cultures have been coming back showing improvement so we are praying this is moving in the right direction. All in all a good day and we are blessed. So thankful for all your prayers and that Mason is improving. What a difference a week makes.

Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me.
On and on and on and on it goes.
It overwhelms and satisfies my soul.
And I never ever have to be afraid.

Higher than the mountains that I face.
Stronger than the power of the grave.
Constant through the trial and the change.
One thing remains.


  1. Oh that is wonderful news! God is awesome! We will continue to pray for Mason! ;)

  2. Praying he keeps going in the right direction and keeps getting better and better!!! :)

  3. I am older and for me ... nothing says like an old hymn. Something like Victory in Jesus My Savior Forever... He certainly is holding and caring for sweet Mason and for that we thank Him.
