Saturday, June 16, 2012

We'll take the good

So today has been an uneventful day for Mason (so far that is). We never know what the night will bring but as for now we will take it. They weaned his dopamine (blood pressure medicine) down pretty far but they had to go back up a little bit because his blood pressure started coming down a little bit. He got some blood and they changed out his vent bandages, etc. The nurse said that she was changing his bag and that she knows they aren't supposed to have good fine motor skills but he reached down and grabbed his stoma. She said well he just had good luck so she cleaned his hand off and went on about her business and he reached down and grabbed it again. She said that now he was in trouble for misbehaving and she had to clean him up again and he got a "bath". Blood gases have been good today and I think that is about it. We will take it! Thank you Lord for a good day.

Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him."

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the good news. Still Praying for Mason to continue to grow and get stronger and stronger each day. Praying for you and Josh as well to give you strength to take the good days with the bad. Pace yourself and watch God work His plans.
