Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Walking the tight rope

Mason continued to have a semi-non-eventful day. The gave him some lasix to get ride of some of the swelling and extra fluid and decreased his versed (sedative). Well, the lasix made his blood pressure drop so the gave him a bolus of fluid and ended up having to start back the dopamine (blood pressure medicine) this evening.This is a fine line because they need him to get rid of the extra fluid so they give him medicine for that which gets rid of fluid but in the whole process also gets rid of fluid in the wrong places as well (ex. blood pressure). So then they have to give him more fluids to help his blood pressure. Kind of stuck in a cycle. As for everything else he has been coasting along and having good blood gases and they keep suctioning out a lot of fluid/mucous out of his lungs. Get it out of there! He relaxed mostly today and did open his eyes and hold Mommy's hand for a little bit. Keep on a growing Mason.  We all sure love you buddy! Hard to believe you are 4 weeks old tonight. Corbin thinks every little baby is Mason.


  1. I saw your post over on Kelly's blog. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  2. I saw your prayer request on Kelly's blog. I wanted to let you know that my son was also born at 23 week 5 days. It was a true roller coaster ride, but so worth it! I will be praying for your sweet Mason!

  3. Your journey touches my heart so close. we just went through this ride last year. Our son was born at 26 weeks and 5 days. We spent 67 days in a Nashville NICU. Today he is a happy healthy 9 month old who is sitting up and crawling. 9 months ago I could not even imagine a day like today. Our NICU experiences are just memories now. And your experience will be a memory soon enough. He may be a punny little white boy (as our NICU nureses call them ;)) but those little guys have a strong will to fight, survive and bet the odds. Please talk to other moms, join a support group or feel free to email me. I also have a 4 yr old son as well so its hard to balance it all. True believer God dosent give us what we cant handle. It takes a strong mom to have a NICU baby. Will pray for your family and baby Mason.

  4. Praying Mason continues to fight. He's a beautiful tiny one. My best friend's granddaughter was born at 27 weeks (2# 2oz) and is now 4 1/2, healthy and brilliant. The NICU can be a scary place, but thank God for the advances they're making every day for these preemies~ a couple of decades ago a baby this small wasn't given any hope. I love that you are getting such positive comments full of hope and grace. God bless your precious little family.
    BTW My maiden name is Corban (LOVE the meaning!) and my grandson is Mason~ so I think your boys both have wonderful, strong names. :)

  5. Praying for Mason and your family. What a little fighter!
