Monday, October 1, 2012


Well, Mason's seizures continued today. Neurology came and said they had improved but they needed to increase his Keppra to see if that got it under control. Most importantly they needed to figure out why he was having more seizures. They did a cranial ultrasound today as well so hopefully that will give us some insight. He has not had any drain out of his EVD (drain) in his head for several days so I am hoping that this might be related. I also did discover that the CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) that I thought was a contaminate was not. One of the bacteria was (gram positive cocci) but the pseudomonas did grow out again. So Mason will be on 3 more weeks of antibiotics. The other cultures did not grow out anything else again. Other than that Mason is doing pretty well. His platelets were the highest they have ever been (149) and he is tolerating his feeds well. He did finally wake up a little bit and was looking around. It was good to see him be awake again. He has been in such a medicine stupor but it is necessary right now in order to get these seizures under control. Please continue to pray for healing, for these seizures to get under control, and for the dr.'s to be able to determine and fix the cause for the seizures. Here is a video of our sweet boy today:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


  1. Isaiah 65: 24 God knows our needs before we do and answers us before we know enough to ask. We are never by ourselves. He is always there along side with us.

  2. What a gorgeous little boy. Keep fighting sweet boy.
