We are pretty sure that Mason's vomiting was all due from his shunt draining excessively. Once they adjusted it and his head filled back up he seemed to be better and has kept his food down. He continues to take the majority if each feed by mouth only leaving 5-10 cc left. He is becoming interactive with me during feeds and will hold onto my shirt and watch me. We are going to work on social interaction and over stimulation with his therapy. We met with the CDSA today and he was fussy and seemed to get overstimulated easily. They said to consider him almost 1 month old considering his "adjusted months" have been spent most in the hospital. So we are hoping we will get some positive interaction and experiences now. Please continue to pray in these areas and for Mason to be healed neurologically.
We did get a call from Brenners today that Mason did test positive for the rhino virus so basically he has a cold. Treatment is still the same... Nothing. So we have learned that Mason is very temperamental with his shunt and will get very irritable, sling his head back in pain, and a new one:vomit everything. This is if it isn't working or if it is draining excessively. Atleast he lets us know!
Meal Prep Monday: Meals for Kathrynne for the Week
12 hours ago
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