Saturday, September 29, 2012

Continued prayers needed

So far Mason has had a good day. He had a lot of seizures that did get under control once he got his phenylbarb. They were also having to give him Ativan every 2 hours to keep them under control. Today they were able to wean off the Ativan because his phenylbarb level came back as 79.1. Between the 2 drugs Mason is very sedate. We also talked to one of the neurosurgeons and he looked at Mason's last cranial ultrasound and it does look like he has multiple pockets of hydrocephalus which will make the shunt surgery more difficult. Please pray that this will resolve and not be such a hard fix. Mason is still on the EEG until he is seizure free for 24 hours. We hope and pray this medicine will do the trick since his level is up again. We greatly appreciate your prayers so our sweet boy can come home soon!