Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 3

Corbin blowing Mason kisses. 
Well, yesterday was kind of a "quiet" day which was good. They did do another brain ultrasound which showed no major changes at this time. Atleast the blood on his brain hasn't spread. They have had to increase his blood pressure medicine because it keeps on dropping. They are talking about removing his chest tubing because they think he is "stable" enough and that maybe it would allow the lungs to drain better since they could rotate him from side to side. We took Corbin up there today to finally see him and that went well. He is still not understanding things very well and I am sure it is overwhelming for him to understand/see in his eyes. We want him to get to know his brother as much as possible though so that when we do leave to go visit Mason, he will understand that we aren't leaving him and that we are going to visit his brother. Corbin enjoys riding the elevator and say "baby Maston" as he calls him. Mason has another echocardiogram today to check his heart and the valve to see if it is doing better. We continue to thank you for your prayers. Josh and I continue to be overwhelmed and wondering how we are going to get through all of this but we know we can do anything with God.


  1. Continuing to pray for your entire family, Corbin included. Praying that he will not be affected by your absence while you are visiting Mason. Glad to hear you had a quiet day. Praying for many, many more quiet ones!

  2. Hey Josh and Lauren. It's Linda Hall. I will be following things here since Katherine went home today. Keeping our fingers crossed there. You guys are so brave and faithful. God is holding all of you in his hands. He will guide you and comfort you. I continue to whisper prays for all of you throughout the day.

  3. You are all on my heart constantly, and in my prayers. Much love.
    Jennifer Stone

  4. Hi Lauren,

    I'm a friend of Stacey's and met you a couple of times, the last being at the dairy farm. We are praying for all of you so much!


  5. We're thinking of you all every moment of the day and checking your blogs often~prayer is so powerful! We love you, Christy Fox & family
