Corbin loves to play with anything and everything he can get his hands on at our house. He loves to play with Mommy and Daddy's things. He has recently discovered chapstick and will motion on his lips (like he is putting some on) and say something that sounds like it and he loves for Josh to put it on his lips. He also loves carrying around Mommy's purse and wearing Daddy's boots.

This morning he found Mommy's glasses and enjoyed putting them on...I do think it kind of scared him though because he couldn't see things like he normally did. Maybe now he will leave them alone!

He also loves to read and our morning and nightly routine includes Corbin getting out book after book and putting it on our bed for us to read to him. He will get a book and climb up on the bed and then say "Mommy" or "Daddy" and pat down next to him to get us to read. His favorite book right now is Big Red Barn by Margaret Brown. He wants me to read that to him ALL THE TIME. I think it reminds him of an app that we use on our IPAD that he loves called Peek a boo barn (he says pee pie). The other day when we were reading it at the end he said pee pie. Who knows but I am so glad he loves to read. He will often pile up many books at night time for us to read to him and Josh or I will try to slip a couple in the "already read" pile but he won't let it slip by him. We have to read them all!

He did a very funny thing this morning. We will often put Corbin up on Murphy and let him ride him around (with some help from us of course). Well, while we were getting ready for church, Corbin went over to Murphy and patted him on his back and said, "ride, ride". I couldn't quite figure out what he said but when I did and said, "Do you want to ride on Murphy's back?" his face lit up and he was so happy! He is quite the character and talks a ton at home but seems he gets shy when anywhere else. We sure do love this boy!

Corbin wearing boots that belonged to his Daddy when he was the same age. One morning while we were getting ready for work he insisted that he wear his boots!