Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 2

It was a very hard day yesterday. Things had gone well overnight but around noon they came up to get me from the room because he was very critical. We thought he was just being fiesty but they now think that Mason was having seizures. They had to bag him because his oxygen level was dropping so quickly and they couldn't get it to come back up. A brain ultrasound also revealed a level 4 brain bleed on the right side which looked like it is moving over on left side as well. Also, the echocardiogram revealed that the vent was actually going both directions which is of grave concern. That all being said he has had a somewhat stable night (as stable as they can say). They let us stay in the Nicu overnight room (I was due to be discharged) since he was so critical and we could be close by. They do say he enjoys his mouth being swabbed with my milk so atleast that makes me feel like I am contributing/helping in some way. We continue to appreciate all of your prayers. I know that our sweet boy can be healed and can make it through all of this. I continue to thank you for all of your messages and words of encouragement, even though I may not respond back right now.


  1. You, Josh, Corbin, and Mason are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm cheering and praying for Mason continuously and have shared his story with my family, friends, and co-workers who are all praying as well. Just remember you are loved and supported during this time in your life.

  2. Psalm 34:18-19

    New Living Translation (NLT)

    18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
    he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

    19 The righteous person faces many troubles,
    but the Lord comes to the rescue each time

  3. Lauren,
    Your family is in our prayers. Our daughter came early (though not as early as Mason) and spent 4 weeks in the NICU at Women's Hospital. I can totally relate to the helpless feelings/lack of contribution you're feeling. We are in FOG at Westover, though I'm not sure we've actually met, and are following your story closely and praying for you every time your family comes to mind - which is often. Praying God's Peace and Healing surround you all today...

  4. Praying for your sweet baby boy!! And praying that y'all can stay strong!

  5. Praying for your family!

    Angela Campbell

  6. Hi my name is Pam Burris from Westover and I heard about Mason Cole
    I have twin grandsons named Cole and Mason so every time I think of them I will pray for your Madon Cole

  7. Lauren,

    I heard about your baby from Gail Jones, I just wanted to let you know that I have our whole Sunday school class at Green St Baptist praying for your little guy. You are all being surrounded by prayer by SO many people that have heard your story.

  8. God bless you Lauren and Josh. You both are being so incredibly strong through this challenging time. Mason is covered by a HUGE blanket of prayers!! We love you guys!

  9. Still praying for you and your guy.... Both of our boys had seizures early on. Ash had to go on two seizure meds to control them, but the good news is that he was off of them before coming home. The first time, I met Sam he had to be bagged. The echo seems to be describing a PDA, which is to be expected in our little ones. It does affect their respiratory status, but they can close it with meds and/or surgery. One twin had meds work, the other had surgery at 2 weeks old. I am afraid what you are describing is all too familiar and so scary. The good news is their is tons of hope. Both of my guys are home and two years old, making a ruckus in their cribs instead of sleeping. :) The next month will be the toughest. Hang in there. Please email me anytime, with any questions. We really have walked a mile in your shoes and would love to offer any help we can. Becky should have given you my contact info. Will be praying!!!!! Yvonne,
